- **BREAKING**: The database schema evolved. In order to apply these modifications, you **MUST** run the ``bui-manage db upgrade`` command after upgrading
- **BREAKING**: Plain text passwords are deprecated since v0.3.0 and are now disabled by default
- **BREAKING**: The default *version* setting has been set to ``2`` instead of ``1``
- Add: new `bui-manage setup_burp <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/merge_requests/40#note_1767>`_ command
- Add: new `docker image <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/merge_requests/40#note_1763>`_
- Home-made `favicon <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/blob/master/burpui/static/images/favicon.ico>`_ based on pictures from `simpsoncrazy <http://www.simpsoncrazy.com/pictures/homer>`_
- Home-made `favicon <https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui/blob/stable/burpui/static/images/favicon.ico>`_ based on pictures from `simpsoncrazy <http://www.simpsoncrazy.com/pictures/homer>`_
Also note that this project is made with the Awesome `Flask`_ micro-framework.
@@ -120,13 +126,13 @@ Thanks
Thank you all for your feedbacks and bug reports. Those are making the project
moving forward.
Thank you to the `Flask`_'s developers and community.
Thank you to the `Flask`_ developers and community.
Special Thanks to Graham Keeling for its great piece of software! This project